Diamantes de capa verde: freqüência, distribuição e possível origem nos depósitos diamantíferos de Minas Gerais.
Mottled green diamond crystals and
green-coated diamonds are common in diamondiferous sedimentary deposits
of Minas Gerais. Diamonds with this characteristic were studied in the
most significant áreas of the Espinhaço Province and compared with
diamonds of the Coromandel region. The frequency of green-coated
diamonds in these deposits varies but is relatively high in the
Espinhaço deposits with values of 25% or higher, locally up to 90%. On
the other hand, in the Coromandel deposits this value is less than 0,5%.
We discuss the two main hypotheses for the origin of the green
coatings, i.e., radiation damage in situ, or the presence of
chromophorous elements in the externai part of the crystals. Analitycal
data reveal both factors contributed to the green color. However, the
relative contribution of each to the intensity of green coloration has
yet to be determined.
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