Aquamarine, heliodor, emerald,goshenite and morganite are allmembers of the beryl family.
| shades of green and blue
Aquamarine is the green to blue-green to aqua variety of the mineral beryl (from the Greek berullos, meaning any "crystal"). It isdichroic, appearing with color and without when viewed from different angles. Most gem beryl comes from a very coarse-grained rock that geologists call pegmatite, a form of igneous rock consisting of extremely coarse granite resulting from the crystallization of magma rich in rare elements.
Aquamarine is colored by trace amounts of iron that find their way into the crystal structure. However, the majority of gem aquamarines on the market today have been heat treated -- by heating them in an electric furnace to 842� F (450� C) -- to produce the popular sky blue, dark blue, and blue-green colors from less desirable yellow or pale stones.
photo: garimpo talhado minea, brazil
Russia mines aquamarine in several areas, most notably the Urals, Transbaikalia (east of Lake Baikal), and Siberia. Several African nations such as Nigeria and Madagascar mine the gem. In the US, Colorado and North Carolina have deposits.
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domingo, 3 de julho de 2016
Aquamarine is the green to blue-green
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