Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz is the most popular and common Topaz in the world. Some believe that the word Topaz comes from the Sanskrit word "tapas" meaning fire. Others believe that it is due to St John's island in the Red Sea (the ancient Topazos). The tremendous interest in Blue Topaz has led jewelers to develop several kinds of blue varying from pale blue as the sky (Sky Blue), up to the deep blue similar to a Sapphire (London Blue). Most of the Blue Topazes in the market were originally a white stone that through a peculiar process of radiation changes the color to blue. Despite the deep blue being the most popular color, each blue has its own appearance and personality. The biggest producers in Brazil are Minas Gerais, Bahia and Espirito Santo. It can also be found in Australia, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and USA.
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