Mineralogia e cristalografia do diamante do Triângulo Mineiro.
The purpose of this work is to
characterize the diamond from the "Triangulo Mineiro" region (Minas
Gerais) according to its morphological features; surface structures and
surface figures; spectrographc properties (IV absorption and UV
fluorescence) and specially by the recognition of its mineral
inclusions. These crystallographic data may be important to guide, with
greater sucess, the future geological work searching the diamond
matrix-rock, until unknown in that region. The morphological study
revealed a predominance of the rhombododecahedral habit among the single
forms presented by the diamond crystals. It is very frequent also the
occurrence of diamond twinned crystals (33% of the observed samples).
The predominance of the rhombododecahedral habit, with both rounded
faces and edges, is explained as a result of a natural dissolution
process in a oxidizing media. The rhombododecahedral form was deduced
here as the equilibrium form during that process. It was considered in
that assumption the dissolution velocities changes, according to the
diamond crystal structure. The surface figures and surface structures
are, on its general features, the same as the described ones on diamonds
from other localities. Some of them, however, may be not still
mentioned. The origin of some of those figures should be admitted as a
result of crystal dissolution, by its presence on natural clivage
surfaces. The infrared absorption diagrams showed a anomalous occurrence
of the type lb diamonds. That kind of stone is very rare amongst the
natural ones and that property may be the more remarkable characteristic
of the diamond from the "Triangulo Mineiro". The mineral inclusions,
identified by x-ray diffraction (precession method) - forsterite,
pirope, magnesio-chromite and pentlandite - sugests a genetic process
very close to the ultrabasic rocks. The secondary effects observed on
the host crystal (anomalous birefringence and tension fractures) and the
epitaxic development of the inclusions in the diamond, indicates, on
the other hand, that those minerals were enclosed during the diamond
crystal growing. The primary paragenesis, revealed by that syngenetic
inclusions, sugests the equilibrium: forsterite + spinel + coesite pirope, that may be applied to estimate the pressure and temperature conditions in the time of the diamond crystallization.
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