Brazilianite is a relatively rare
gem phosphate mineral, yellow to greenish yellow, that was described in
1945 from samples of the Córrego Frio pegmatite (Divino das Laranjeiras
county, Minas Gerais state), where several similar deposits were
subsequently reported. Also in this State, another mineralized pegmatite
occurs (Itinga county). Such pegmatites, studied in the present paper,
were originated from some granitogenesis related to the Araçuaí Orogen,
generally constituting small tabular bodies, with low differentiation
degree. Chemical analysis by electronic microprobe in the mineral showed
very homogeneous values for the different studied pegmatites, similar
to the original description. Analyses on associated feldspars showed
that the host pegmatites are B, Cs, Rb and Zr-poor, however, F-rich. One
of them, Telírio Pegmatite, presents an anomaly in Li compared to the
others. EPR and optical absorption studies indicated that the yellow
component of the color is due to an absorption band in the near UV and
its intensity is directly correlated with a localized O1-
hole center. Different types of electron centers are responsible for the
broad thermal annealing range of the mineral color; the greenish
component is caused by a very broad absorption band in the red spectral
range. In the studied deposits, brazilianite seems to be a secondary
product of montebrasite alteration in a hydrothermal early stage
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