Bom Futuro Mine is located in the
center-north region of Rondônia and it includes two hills named
Palanqueta and Bom Futuro and the adjacent flattened areas as well. The
main extraction areas of cassiterite occur in the surrounding placers of
Bom Futuro hill, also in the primary deposits located in the hill
itself. Such primary deposits are restricted to the bodies of pegmatite,
which were formed in at least two distinct events. The Cascavel
pegmatite belongs to the older event and it is composed by the main
lenses and a swarm of dikes, veins and veinlets with NNW/35ºENE general
attitude. The bodies are massif or zoned and in the main lenses, three
distinct zones were recognized under the form of sub-parallel layers
among themselves and the walls of the lenses. From the wall to the roof
there are: quartz and topaz zone, alkaline feldspar and Li-mica, and
granitic zone. The main minerals of Cascavel pegmatite are quartz,
alkaline feldspar, topaz, and Li-mica, and the subordinate minerals are
cassiterite, sulfides (sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, galena,
stannite), zircon, monazite, wolframite, uraninite, columbite-tantalite,
and niobian rutile. The Cascavel pegmatite is a complex rare-element
pegmatite belonging to LCT family and is spatially and temporally
related to the late-stage peraluminous A-type granites of the Younger
Granites of Rondônia.
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