The metavolcano-sedimentary
sequences, at the southeastern of Espinhaço ridge, present difficulties
for distinction of Rio das Velhas Supergroup, till now. Besides of very
similarities it is possible to separate the Rio Mata Cavalo Group from
the last one. It is constituted by metamafic-ultramafic unit derivated
from tholeitic basalts, and a chemical-clastic cover. These sediments
present gold and Platinum Group Minerals/Elements associated mainly with
Banded Iron Formations. Hydrothermal origin is attributed to noble
metals concentration. The prospecting and mineral exploration was done
only for gold in the study area. The obtained results permit to suggest
the use for an Upper Unit, composed by chemical-clastic sediments, and a
Lower Unit, which comprises the volcanic rocks as belonging to Mata
Cavalo Group. So, this Group presents in Upper Unit magnetite-rich BIF
with gold associated to supergene enrichment.
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